Acupuncture can have many benefits for skincare, especially for the face. Acupuncture has also been shown to reduce wrinkles. The skin is the body’s largest organ and also the most visible and vulnerable organ. Skin conditions are very common and the discomfort of conditions such as acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin is often followed by distress over their appearance.

Skincare and dermatology are a recognized speciality in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM treatments for skin disorders have been in use for over 3000 years in China and then spread worldwide. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are the most common methods of TCM to treat skin conditions and can provide longer-lasting relief than Western methods. Chinese herbal medicine, because of the complexity of plant materials, it is far more balanced than medicine that is based on isolated active ingredients and is far less likely to cause side effects. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine seek primarily to correct internal imbalances rather than to treat symptoms alone, and therapeutic intervention is designed to encourage this self-healing process.

The TCM compound of plant extracts has been found to be able to trigger the skin cell’s natural defense system, enabling the skin to protect against free radicals that would cause damage and signs of aging. As skin ages, it tends to experience the break down of collagen, and a reduction in strength and elasticity.

These all natural skin remedies opens many exciting opportunities for those interested in treating dry or irritated skin, as well as those who would like to protect against future signs of aging on the skin.

What Is Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Using acupuncture needles on specific points on the face to enhance beauty and preserve a youthful appearance has been done for centuries in China and other Asian countries, and started to become popular in the western in the past decade or so.

Cosmetic acupuncture is done in the same fashion as acupuncture done for general health and specific conditions, with the goal of creating collagen just under the skin to help fill in wrinkles and plump skin. The cosmetic acupuncture, part of traditional acupuncture, also aims to balance the body’s energy and create a sense of well-being.

While acupuncture can improve general skin and muscle tone it can also be used to target specific problem areas such as: Eye Bags, Drooping Eyelids, Crow’s feet, Wrinkles around the mouth – Smoker’s Lip Lines, Double chin, Acne, Rosacea, Dry skin, Poor complexion, Pigmentation issues, et al.

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World Health Organization. (2002). Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials. (last access 11/11/2015)

Yang, JW. et al. (2014). The Holistic Effects of Acupuncture Treatment. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.