
Acupuncture is perhaps one of the commonly known branches of TCM, it works by stimulating the acu-points which are located the meridians  or channels. There are fourteen main meridians, along which are the acu- points, of which there are several hundred. very fine needles are quickly inserted into various points on the body, and are stimulated, normally by the practitioner gently  twiddling the needles, this creates a momentary sensation called De Qi.

During the centuries of clinical practice, and research the functions and clinical effectiveness of each acu-point or combinations of points in treating different diseases have been studied in detail. In recent years these actions have been systematically studied and verified by  modern scientific research. Currently, there are several of forms of acupuncture practised throughout the world.  In the West medical acupuncture is commonly practiced by doctors, physiotherapists and chiropractors. This form of acupuncture, sometimes called dry needling,  tends to be symptomatic and is normally used as an adjunct to other therapies.  The training tends to be quite short and the application of medical acupuncture is normally limited to pain relief.  

our members practice traditional Chinese acupuncture which is based on the full TCM meridian and collateral and the syndrome differentiation theories.

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Chinese Herbal Medicine

Traditionally, Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) involves the use of natural plants, minerals and even some small amount animals products. However, TCM practitioners are not allowed to use minerals, animal products or endangered species. In the UK only herbal products are used in clinical practice. Each herb has its own specific characteristics and particular medical use to treat various diseases, rectifying the over-activity or under-activity of Yin and Yang, and helping restore the body to its normal physiological functions. Chinese herbal therapy must only be prescribed  by qualified TCM practitioners. Normally, the practitioner must conduct a diagnostic consultation which will go into detail about your specific condition, medication that you are taking, diet, past medical history, lifestyle, stress etc. The practitioner will take your pulses and look at your tongue before making a prescription.

A prescription is a preparation of several herbal products which is based on syndrome differentiation and according to the principles of TCM diagnostic theory.


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Tui Na

Tuina literally translates as push and grasp and is a Chinese therapeutic massage closely related to acupuncture in its use of the meridian system. It is considered to be effective for treating a similar range of health problems, especially musculoskeletal conditions and some internal diseases such as abdominal and digestive disorders related to digestions. Infant Tuina is especially useful for treatment of certain infant health problems. Tuina is regarded alongside herbal medicine and acupuncture as one of the fundamental arts of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Tuina is primarily focused on the meridians and points where Qi gathers and can be easily manipulated. It is thought that the Tuina massage affects not only the physical body but also the Qi body (the network of meridians and points) and the mental body (emotions, thoughts and spiritual faculties). Since both physical and mental health are dependants on a smooth and abundant flow of Qi, massage can effectively affect all the three aspects. 

Tuina massage is also based on the same theoretical framework and diagnostic principles as acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Tuina massage also requires a proper diagnostic procedure, and employs the four examinations methods and syndrome differentiation, which applies to acupuncture and herbal medicine.

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ATCM, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture 

How qualified ATCM registered practitioners Offer Herbal Medicine Treatment and practice Acupuncture Therapy








What does ATCM do?


  • Registration of qualified TCM practitioners
  • Ensure high standards services in TCM industry
  • Organising CPD trainings and Academic Conferences for TCM Practitioners in UK and internationally.
  • Promoting Statutory Regulation of TCM practitioners
  • Accreditation of TCM courses
  • Supporting TCM researches 


Why Choose ATCM Registered Practitioners?


The Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture UK (ATCM) is a self-regulated professional organisation founded in 1994 by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioners in the UK.

Traditional Chinese medicine is used for treatment of a wide range of diseases. In practice, the therapeutic methods commonly used by TCM practitioners includes Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, tuina (therapeutic massage), cupping or a combination of these therapies. The treatment must be based on a correct diagnosis. It has been proven that these therapeutic methods are very effective in management of many clinical conditions and has been safely practised for centuries. However, the effectiveness and safety can be only ensured in the hands of properly qualified practitioners.

ATCM has made a great of commitment to promote statutory regulation of TCM practitioners. Before this can be achieved, ATCM plays an important role in assurance of the professional qualifications of its members as a self-voluntary regulator.  All members of ATCM are properly trained in TCM or acupuncture to a degree of Bachelor or equivalent, or above. They are bound by the Association’s Code of Practice and Code of Professional Conduct at all times. ATCM has been dedicated to excellence in clinical practice of TCM. ATCM aims to ensure high standards services in TCM including Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture are provided by its members.


I was married for a few years and both of us want to have a baby. I went for different treatment but all of them were unsuccessful, even IVF. I did not lose hope and got more determined to have a baby. Friends recommended me to see Dr Fu. She gave me herbal drinks and acupuncture treatment , After 8 months . I had a baby girl. Thank you Dr Fu. I feels so blessed to meet you! Thanks God!

Female Fertility & IVFP. K. Bridgenorth

It was suggested I visit Liu, she saw me in October and I was on crutches barely able to walk. She examined me and said would have me walk unaided in 3 weeks. This she did, I was sceptical at first, but am now a 'believer' in Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture, I cannot praise her enough.

Back PainM. J. Beck

Thank you for my speedy recover from my back and neck problems, I am no longer on tables for pain. I feel a lot better in myself, am fitter in my sporting activities and most of all it has taken the worry out of my job.

Back PainJ.L.Stourbridge