Who is TCMAB

The Traditional Chinese Medicine Accreditation Board (TCMAB) is an independent body to accredit institutions that run traditional Chinese acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine courses. The graduates from TCMAB accredited institutions have automatic right to become members of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture UK.

TCMAB was established in 2004. There are two purposes for the establishment of TCMAB:

  1. Quality control: To ensure that affiliated institutions delivering TCM education and training courses in the UK meet the requirements and standards laid down by the TCMAB, conforming to the training standards of China’s State Administration for Traditional Chinese Medicine training standards and World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, in order to enhance international acceptance of the courses.
  2. Regulation Requirement: To facilitate the professional criteria for the forthcoming statutory regulation for TCM profession in the UK. 

TCMAB Core Curriculum 2020


TCMAB Board Members 

Chair: Professor Michael Heinrich 
Officer: Dr Weidong Huang
Educational Specialist: Professor Michael Heinrich
TCM Practitioner: Dr Jidong Wu
Lay Member: Ms Jeanne Knights